$2.99 .Com at GoDaddy!
$2.99 .Com at GoDaddy!

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.


Facebook Ads - 7 secrets to writing great Facebook advertising

Facebook ads - bust or big bucks?
Facebook ads - bust or big bucks?
Are you looking to advertise using Facebook marketing?
According to Facebook, you have access to over 500 million users... and 50% of them log into Facebook every day.
That's awesome, but is Facebook able to payoff?
Most people I know tried Facebook ads and lost a boatload of money doing Facebook marketing. They complain Facebook advertising prices are too expensive, Facebook advertising ad approval is too slow, and Facebook users don't buy stuff.
Is Facebook a bust or can you tap into Facebook advertising to bring in big bucks?

Introducing my 7-day Facebook ads' experiment

I was able to track down a $50.00 FREE Facebook ads coupon to see if I could make it profitable.
Armed with this $50 free Facebook voucher, I tried a 7-day experiment.
My goal was to find new subscribers to my online marketing courses' website for less than $7 each.

Surprise, surprise... these Facebook ads made me a profit!

My Facebook advertising experiment lasted exactly a week. I spent about half of my $50 free Facebook ads' voucher during this time. And the good news is Facebook paid off... attracting me new subscribers for just $1.89 each (far below my goal of $7 per subscriber).
Even better, some of these subscribers purchased my online marketing course in just minutes after subscribing - take a look:
I made a sale just 4 minutes after a Facebook user visited my site!
I made a sale just 4 minutes after a Facebook user visited my site!

Let's be honest... Facebook advertising is "interruption advertising." It's REALLY hard to have your ad stand out when Facebook users login. So I was quite surprised how easy it was to make a small profit during my first attempt at Facebook marketing.
The bottom line is every time when I invested just $25 in Facebook advertising, I attracted 13 new subscribers. Even better, I netted a small profit because some of those subscribers bought my stuff. In simple speak, it's like getting Facebook advertising for FREE!

My 5 secrets (revealed) to make Facebook pay off

I took lots of notes when I experimented with my Facebook marketing...
... Here are 5 methods I used to profit with Facebook advertising:
Switch to CPM - Facebook automatically sets your ads to run on a cost-per-click model. And every time a Facebook user sees your ad (and clicks on it), Facebook charges you a set click fee.
This is a good deal for Facebook and a bad deal for you, because cost-per-click pricing is expensive. It's not uncommon to pay more than a dollar per click (some people I know are paying more than $5.00 a click).
But with Facebook's CPM model, your fee is based on how many times your ad is shown, not per click.
Now, if you jump into this without know some secrets, it could cost you a small fortune. But the good news is I've developed a simple way to take advantage of CPM pricing and get clicks for about 5 cents each. That's how I get new subscribers for just $1.89 a piece.

Make images pay off - Facebook gives you 3 ways to attract its users to click on your ad... you're able to submit an image, a title and an ad description.
My testiing shows it's the image that makes a HUGE difference in click thrus.
Be careful though. Facebook is getting tougher on the images you're able to use. For example, just last year It used to allow advertisers to show cleavage (which significantly boosts response). But these days, Facebook disapproves anything considered offensive. I find weird pictures of people and animals works quite well. Black and white illustrations are attracting clicks, too.

Advertise on the best days of the week - I find leaving my ads running for 2 days a week is the most profitable way to advertise on Facebook.
Skipping 5 days at a time helps fight "ad fatigue" (when Facebook users start to grow tired of seeing your ad).
Facebook does all of the hard work for you and tells you the two best days of the week in just 2 clicks of your mouse.

Get your ads approved fast - For most Facebook advertisers, getting their ads approved is most frustrating.
Each ad is reviewed by a team of human reviewers. And this takes time. And Facebook has a strict set of guidelines.
Once thing Facebook reviews decline quickly are scammy looking pages. The prefer landing pages that look like pure content...
... And that's the big secret here. Have your landing page look like a blog post (just like this page). And make sure you're not overtly selling stuff. And finally, remove all "aggressive" scripts to capture optin information (like popups).
Have the last sentence in your "blog post" lead to an action... perhaps a link to subscribe to your mailing list or to an offer to buy your stuff.

Exploit Facebook reports - Facebook actually reveals to you how to slash your costs AND get better quality visitors to your website - all in just 2 mouse clicks...
... Simply scan Facebook's reporting link..., it displays a treasure trove of AMAZING stats about those who click to your site... telling you everything from education level, age, geography, etc.
And when you create new ad campaigns modeled on this information, you're rewarded with super-cheap clicks to your site.

Put an end to your website traffic problems by tonight

I know Facebook advertising is going to pay off for you.
Facebook marketing delivers as many visitors to your website in just a few clicks of your computer mouse. And when you follow my tutorial, I show you how to get super-cheap clicks for around 5 cents each.
You don't have to struggle with figuring all of this Facebook stuff out... I created a step-by-step tutorial to let you peak over my shoulder and redirect precisely-targeted Facebook users to click to your website... click here to get my Facebook Ads' tutorial right now...


MySpace vs. Facebook

Most people who are active on social networking sites have a profile on both MySpace and
 Facebook. However, despite being on both sites, each user almost always has a preference for one site over the other. That's due to the fact that there are some significant differences between the twonetworking sites and the people who are most active on them. Neither one is necessarily better than the other but any one individual might consider one "better" in comparison because of the different uses for each of the sites. Here's a closer look at those differences:
User Demographic:
There's been an interesting shift in who uses the sites. MySpace began with a big preference for teenagers whereas Facebook was designed specifically for college students. (When it first started, you even needed a college email address to sign up with Facebook.) As the two sites have grown up, their users have changed. These days, teens may be on either site. And college students turn up on both of them as well.
Where the real differences lie now is in the professionals who are networking on the sites. Facebook has a number of different professionals who are on the site for networking and job hunting. Head hunters hang around to find people who might be right for certain jobs. If you're a career professional in the computer or business fields,Facebook is more your game. That's not to say that there aren't professionals on MySpace. However, they tend to be involved in more creative careers. Musicians, comedians and fashion designers are easy to find on MySpace.
Facebook has MySpace beat hands down for the number of applications that you can use on the site. In fact, new applications are being designed on a regular basis for Facebook, many of which assist with the professional networking that takes place on the site. If you're interested in the cutting edge ways that you can communicate with people (such as using Click-to-Call widgets to contact Facebook friends via voice communication) then Facebook is your place. If all of those applications are too confusing for you, you might want to stick with MySpace.
Despite the fact that there are plenty of applications for Facebook, the types of designs that you can have on your own profile page are somewhat limited. Most Facebook pages look basically the same at a first glance. In contrast, it's possible to really alter your MySpace profile so that it looks completely unique. People who want to show off their creative tendencies are likely to find that MySpace makes that a little bit easier to do.
Both MySpace and Facebook offer users the opportunity to create and join groups on the site. This can be a way to keep everyone from an old group (such as a college sorority) together on the site. It can also be a way to meet new people with the same interests as you. There are a range of different groups on each of the sites so which site you like better might depend on the ease with which you find a group on the site that you're most active on.
In general, many people say that they prefer the MySpace groups. This is due to the fact that the groups are very easy to find on the site. There is a page available which shows which groups there are under different categories. It also shows how many members are active in those groups. On the other hand, Facebook will tell you which groups were recently joined by your friends so you can get some hints as to which groups you might like because of that feature. In this category, it really depends on your own interests and your preference between the appearance of the group layout on MySpace as compared to Facebook.
Spam doesn't seem to be a problem on Facebook whereas it can be quite a headache on MySpace. People hack MySpace profiles and send viruses to their friends on the site. MySpace users check their messages and find beautiful sexy girls there who want them to "come check out pics on this others site" (a site that is adult-only and needs to be paid for). If you don't want to deal with spam, Facebook is currently the place for you.
In the news
Despite the problems with spam, MySpace doesn't get too much negative news attention. The one area that it does get bad media is in the risk that it poses to the underage users on the site. (We've all heard the story of the teenage girl who met a boy on MySpace and met in public only to find out it was really an old man who wanted to do her harm.) However, this can happen on any social networking site. Most users of MySpace don't find this to be a problem assuming that they use common sense on the site.
In contrast, Facebook has recently gotten some negative publicity from users. There was a debacle recently in which advertising on the site changed and users were unhappy with the way that it happened. Some people were finding that their shopping preferences were being shown to their online friends, an issue which made them feel that their privacy was violated. As a result, many people who once really supported Facebook started moving over to sites such as MySpace.
Ultimately, which social networking site you prefer really depends on what you like in a site. In addition to MySpace and Facebook, there are numerous other socialnetworking sites that you can use to meet new people and to stay in touch with old friends. Each of these serves its own niche group (for example, there is Linked In for professionals). What is important to remember is that the popularity of each of these sites is going to wax and wane over time. If you're just looking to get on the latest trend, you'll have to flitter from site to site. But if you want to really develop connections on the sites, find the one that has an interface you're most comfortable with using and start getting to know people there!

Becoming Successful With Google Adsense

The Right Tools and Knowledge to be Successful

When it comes to making money with Google Adsense probably eighty to ninety percent of the people rarely earn anything or maybe make close to one dollar or two if they are fortunate. If you are one of those many people that hardly make anything from adsense please continue to read on.
When I first started out with Google Adsense I was the same. I have no one to teach me what to do or how to write interesting content for my website. I remember when I first go started I just purchased a site about sports then buy target traffic and wish to see those thousands of traffic visit my site and click on my ads. Sadly, it didn't happened as I plan. Still though no matter what I do my click through rate is still low. I try article marketing, Youtube, Yahoo Search Engine, etc... Sad to say that I still don't make much from adsense. My earning increase probably by 12 to 15 cents a month only!
So I figure I'll just shut my sport site down because is hardly ever making anything. I decided to build a different site. This time on something I love and that is helping people with their computer problems. Basically a free computer repair help site. For the first time I was able to write contents that I know so much about and have passion for since my high school years.
Months went by after advertising my site through Google, Yahoo, Youtube, article marketing. My click through rate had increase by a whole lot for the first time ever! It didn't take overnight but 6 long months of trials and errors and my adsense earning had increase.
So I began writing close to 40 contents on my website. The next thing I know my comment box was flooded with appreciations and thank you. My website now have at least ten to twelve thousands visitor daily! I believe quality traffic is one of the key to success in adsense.
From that time on every last day of the month my earning had surpass my earning threshold of $100. Basically speaking I'm getting checks every months from Google even till today.
Google Adsense is not a get rich quick overnight program. It will take extreme patience, hard work, and dedication to be successful. I believe strongly with the right tools and knowledge anyone can be successful with adsense.

SEO Optimization Tips for Etsy Shop Owners

Your Etsy Shop & SEO

So, you have opened your Etsy shop & figure if you post it, they will come, right? Not so fast. I am sure you have probably read up on the importance of great pictures, good tags, a unique niche, and a stellar product, but don't forget about SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a complicated algorithm Google uses to find your shop and your products when a potential buyer does a search through Google. We could delve into the fine details of things, but here are five very simple things to improve your ranking on Google today:
  1. Tag Your SHOP. We all know the importance of using all 14 tags when listing an item, but are you aware that you can tag your shop? Simply go to "Your Etsy" then click on "Info & Appearance" located under "Shop Settings". Once on this page, fill in your shop title with the keywords that best describes what you sell, not your name. This is an important tool that Google uses to find out what your shop is all about & what kind of traffic to send to you. This is not something that will effect the name of your actual shop to online shoppers. For example, if you sell leather bracelets in you shop called Sara's Studio, you should have "handmade leather bracelets" listed in your shop title. A lot of people struggle on how to best describe what they sell, but I strongly encourage you to put something other than your name in this section. You can always tweak it later and any description of your shop will give you better SEO with Google than just having your shop's name listed.
  2. Content, Content, Content. Google loves good content (& so do shoppers). An item is not going to sell if it is not listed. A shop with good content is going to rank higher than one with a very low content. So get your products listed on your site!
  3. Spelling and Grammar. Yes, google robots can tell if your site is loaded with bad grammar and poor spelling. This makes Google think poorly of your shop and drops you in its rankings. So take the time to check your spelling and grammar on your shop listings, announcement, etc. It pays off in how Google (and customers) view you.
  4. Update. Google does not like sites that appear to go stale & are not being updated. If you find that you have not added a new listing in a while or changed your shop Announcement, you may want to do so. Don't have anything new to list? Consider re-listing an item for a mere 20 cents. It will not only rank your listing higher on an Etsy search, but will show Google you are an active, current site.
  5. Backlinks. Google is a big fan of backlinks. Without delving too deeply into this hefty topic, a backlink is simply a link that leads to your shop. Backlinks increase your traffic and your ranking with Google. An easy way to get some valuable backlinking is through twitter, FB fan pages, and blogging. Don't have any of these? Many bloggers & Facebook fan pages (mine included) offer free promos as well as a section to add your shop links to get you some free backlinks, traffic & promotion. Follow blogs that are looking for new & exciting creations- if they choose your product, they almost always create an organic link to your Etsy Shop.
To start you off, you can get a free backlink to your Etsy Shop by clicking on the "Discussions" section of my Wave of Life Surf Studio's FB page & adding your link. Voila, you have created a backlink that will help improve your SEO score.
I hope this helps! Good luck in all your Etsy Shop endeavors!
If you found this article helpful, please rate up or leave a comment. Thank you!

3 Ways To Increase Google AdSense Traffic

Google AdSense is a popular way for many websites and blogs to earn money. While it seems that everyone and their brother is using Google AdSense, not everyone is making the amount of revenue possible with this powerful tool. Here are three ways in which you can start increasing your Google AdSense revenue:
1. Content (focus) is still King. Google AdSense displays ads on your site that relate to the keywords it identifies and picks out from your Web pages and blog posts. This makes sense, since Google AdSense is assuming that people reading your content may be interested in buying the products discussed in your posts. Therefore, if you are going to start a website or blog about lawn furniture, keep all posted content focused on lawn furniture. Don't veer off into restaurant reviews or sky lights. By creating a primary focus for your content, you provide a useful service to those readers who are interested in the specific content of your website and/or blog.
If you have a significant amount of content to write about a particular subject, consider dividing that content into several web pages or blog posts. Going back to the subject of lawn furniture, you might draft the following five articles:
1. How to repair old lawn chairs
2. Protecting glass-containing lawn tables and chairs
3. 10 lawn furniture sets under $100
4. Five practical outdoor bar sets
5. Stain-proofing your lawn furniture
These five articles each illustrate one point of interest about lawn furniture. A potential reader can click on any one of these articles to easily access the information s/he is looking for. Links to the other four articles can also be provided so that the reader knows where to go for additional content. Finally, having five such articles instead of one certainly beats creating content around the following conglomerate article title:
Outdoor bar, table and chair sets: How to protect and repair your lawn furniture and find cheap and practical sets too.

The Google Keywords Tool
The Google Keywords Tool
Source: Flickr images
2. Choose your keywords carefully. You may have several keywords in mind for your Web site or blog. How do you choose the best ones- meaning, of course, the ones that will make you the most money? A free keyword analysis tool can be located at the Google AdWords site, under the Tools tab. Click on the following link to go to Google AdWords. You may input a keyword or keyword phrase here, then let the Analytics program do the work of selecting the most lucrative (i.e., high cost-per-click, or CPC) keywords. If you already have a website or blog, you can also submit its URL and obtain keyword analysis information. Based on this information, you may wish to rewrite your Web content in order to utilize the highest-paying keywords. Google AdSense will then latch onto these higher-paying keywords and focus the ads around them. When people click on your ads, Google will pay you a higher revenue based on those higher paying keywords.
If you are just looking for ideas on what to write, the Google AdWords kkeyword analysis tool is a great place to start. For example, by searching on the keyword "insurance", you will quickly find out that keyword phrases such as "online car insurance", "car insurance quotes", and "car insurance companies" pay a whopping $40-$50 per click (listed as CPC)! Of course, the competition for such keyword phrases is also very high, meaning that there will be many sites out there that already contain these phrases. However, if you can create quality content around such lucrative keywords, anyone who clicks on the resulting AdSense ads will generate quite a nice chunk of change for you.
3. Marketing is queen. Most visitors to your website or blog are only coming to read your content rather than to make you money. Generally, you may estimate that only 2% of your total visitors will ever click on Google AdSense ads. Even fewer visitors will actually make a purchase through your website. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does tell you that you need a LOT of traffic in order to make a good amount of money from your content. How can you increase the number of visitors to your website? By keeping your content fresh and relevant. With a website, you will need to post new content at least once a week. For a blog, you should post new content at least once a day, if not more. Also, marketing your content is vital to gaining Google AdSense traffic. Consider submitting your site to RSS feeds and social bookmarking sites. Create an email marketing campaign (e.g., aWeber) and send out periodic newsletters and blog post updates to your subscribers. By employing these methods, you will have people continually coming to your site and even returning.
Bottom line: Google AdSense is a great way to make money. However, like any tool, you need to know how to properly use it in order to gain its maximum benefits

Has Google affected article writing on Hub Pages?

Has the Google update to theGoogle algorithm changed yourGoogle Page rank, and affected your Hub Pages? Is your traffic drying up? Are you finding less people coming to your Hubs? People are asking many questions about theefficacy of the Google search engine formula, since it was changed a short while ago? Many think it has changed for the worst and now is weighted in favor of people who are more willing to pay for Google Adwords programs to bring up their pagerank. Many writers here have said to me that traffic to their hub pages is way down in recent times. Many writers are looking at their options - many are asking is it time to make a move? Can writing on Hub Pages continue to provide any decent earnings for writers? Or has the model for writing articles for the web been tarnished now by a set of unreasonable rules that contradict themselves?
One writer says Hub Pages and article writing in general pays well. A Freelance writer told me this today. Another writer (not a freelancer) said his earnings are way down and the click-rate on Hubs all over is down, and depreciating further. Theoretically writing should be paying you money, even on the web. You can monetize anything on the web, within reason, so why not a good piece of writing, here on Hub Pages? Writers have read the tutorials and read the rules and the do's and don'ts. So how hard can this be? It isn't. But Google have recently made it very complicated.
Writers who over-promote hubs can be penalised. Writers who write articles that don't meet requirements of what the rules allow can be penalised. Some writers are writing on Hub Pages almost every day and still their Hub score stubbornly refuses to climb and they ask why? A year ago, things were so much different here? What happened? What we need here are some frank reality checks and assertions.
Anyone who has recently arrived on Hub Pages with a view to making a go of it and publish articles here to earn money, will only be successful if their writing is high quality, theirhub subjects are highly sought after, are relevant and topical, have keywords that are frequently searched for, and which meet the requirements and conditions of Google, Hub Pages, Amazon, eBay and Kontera. They have to be willing to write often - a minimum of three to four hubs a week to be consistently good or just consistent.
And there are other things that they need to do. Backlinks, one-way links, two-way links, three-way links, page rank has to be watched, Google SEO has to be observed and followed ...and it goes on and on. Ever more conditions more tricks, more tweets, more links put on facebook, MySpace, Friendster, SheToldMe, StumbleUpon, AddThis, until someone realises this isn't writing any more. This is turning into the search for a kind of holy grail using more and more ways, means and tricks to stay ahead and get highly ranked in Google's coveted First Page. And this will not make you money over night or immediately. There is no guarantee. No hourly rate, no minimum wage rate. No absolutes. Just more uncertainty.
Yes, it can be done. Money can be made on Hub Pages and article writing in general. Some use Hub Pages as Bill Boards, Blogs to just air their feelings, vent their frustration or call for help with a genuine issue, many look for friendship, many more just want to belong to a community. Thousands of people and thousands of reasons to be here on Hubs.
If you are a Quality Writer and are already assured by others you are worth it and worthy of being published, here's a warning. There are better ways to make money from article writing. Go Freelance. Take it up as a profession. Write magazine articles. Buy the Writers and Artists Yearbook. It is a proven resource and works, and the community of writers is incredible. The rewards that come from writing on websites like Hub Pages - though most admirable and entertaining - will not pay the bills and help you get out of the recession.
Money made from not writing but from just waiting for someone to click on a Google advert on the same page as your writing is a poor man's game and it doesn't pay a lot. A Good writer who has made money from writing already knows this. Hubs could have the nearest thing to Shakespeare on them if need be, but they may not earn that writer money. Writing can be very "writerly" and stylish and hip, but make hardly any money from Google Adsense. For them to be successful, they would have to advertised and marketed to a wide and waiting audience. And not all this support and requirement is provided for you.
Maybe a miracle happens along one fine day and a beautiful thing happens and good fortune comes your way. It is great when it happens. And it happens! The discovery of a check in the post, or waiting in the bank account for your Adsense is a moment of elation. But the wait for the next one can be so long in coming. Little wonder that some get fed up waiting and move off and move on to other things. Clickbank. Amazon Affiliates, Commission Junction, Paydotcom, Linkshare, the list is long and winding, and some will set up their own shops and stores, eCommerce sites, stores, malls. Some believe that article writing can end up being like having a gun with just one effective bullet, but a few blanks that don't do anything but make noise and smoke.
Wordpress, Weebly, Wix, Jimdo, Webs, Tumblr, Blogger, these are just a fraction of some of the free sitesand blogs that can be used and set up in less than a day, which - with targeted themed Keywords based around a high-paying group of words / products...can all lead to a good income. Use the Google Keyword Tool to find what pays and what sells, and what is searched for.
Okay, it's taking you away from that all-important writing, but to make money in this game, you have to put the cart before the horse. Companies like Google have ruined the conventional means of writing to be successful, and replaced it with rules, systems,formulas, page rank, anylitics,adwords, adsense and the damnGoogle Algorithm.

Rinse and Repeat

A Hub Page has an inherent value. They won't be worth hundreds of pounds or dollars. You would have to be professional, a true author. Sure, Hub Pages is a great place to find out if you have what it takes. But don't use it to make a writing exclusively to the detriment to everything else. Set up a Blog or website. Buy a domain. Own it and then you can earn more. Subdomains like every writer has on Hub Pages get much less since they own their content but just not the page itself or the domain. £14 will get you a one page Blogger Blog and Google Adsense and Amazon Adverts, and it will be yours and it will make money faster. Set up a forum, like TattoGuy and watch your membership climb. Use the money from its success to build more blogs or webpages and rinse and repeat!
Google recently changed its Algorithm and it now downgrades and devalues content farms, forcing many to worry about the future of communities like Hub Pages. People want to believe it won't affect them. So what will they do? If the change in the Google Algorithm made Hubs in general fall in page rank or value in some way, and result in less income from the respective Google Adsense on those pages - what would the Hub writers do? How would they react? One possibility is it would drive writers away from Hub Pages, feeling that having to constantly refine their pages for such a small reward would make their efforts almost pointless. Another possibilty is that writers would switch to another way of making money. They would fight the system initially and try back-linking, banners, inner-links or referrals, outer link s like social media. But what if they over promote and get punished. It becomes more like an exercise to breathe oxygen, the more you try to breathe, the less oxygen you seem to get. It has the danger of becoming an exercise in futility.
And why this manic dependence on Google's conditions? Why? What is in it for us any more? Who feels like downing tools and walking off the job? Is that the final outcome? Or is Hub Pages about to pump some air back in the tyres by releasing this new advert system and campaign. Something is needed to kickstart Hubs in general if they experience a lowering or downgrading in general. We don't know for sure this downgrade will happen or will even last long, or just rebound up again. It would be nice if someone put it to us straight and told us. Either we all get certificates in Google SEO and Google PR or get sent off for retraining. That is how a job in a company is dealt with. Unless on the other hand - this is purely a hobby and for recreation. If it is, fine...enjoy your life and Happy writing! I fear the old system is not working like it used to, and I am not the only one saying it. People walk away from something when it is dead.
Perhaps the time has come to revisit the model for how Hub Pages works - and who it's working mostly for. A change would be welcome. A change of sorts is definitely needed. Some of the recent events and outcomes to Hub Page lowering in some kind of value might be down to indifference or resignation of writers to the inevitable wind of change, and what cloud might (or might not) be on the horizon. I believe that no thing or state lasts forever. But there has to be a quantifiable reason for wanting to be on Hub Pages. We are looking harder than usual at what those reasons are lately.
Although most of what is here is opinion, we are a democracy so I welcome all thoughts on the subject here. Let me know your views and leave your comments below.
Copyright (c) 2011 Cassy Mantis / Cheeky Girl. All rights reserved.
Late Update: 
We know Google no longer has a "neutral" algorithm. The New York Times, eHow, Wikipedia, even the IRS is listed in the white list as immune from the algorithm, and some websites clearly are delighted with this news. How did they manage this amazing feat? Google has admitted to using a "white list" a way of allowing some websites a "Get out of Jail" card or exception to the Algorithm rule.
And even Microsoft /  Bing admitted that they too use the same white list method to allow some exceptions for certain websites. So not all web sites are equal under the eyes of Google. I wrote about this recently, I even published a list of sites that have done even better as a result of the algo change. Would have been nice to see Hub Pages on it.
Google were accused of anti-competitive practices by the EU over alleged "White Lists", which would give some companies unfair advantage and preference - something Google denied. Now it is admitting it favors some web sites over others. So we have a two-tier search engine here folks!