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10 Ways to Get More Out of Twitter

Get More From Twitter

If you like using Twitter, the microblogging social networking tool, check out some of the new and free applications that can add extras and enhance your Twitter account. If you're not on Twitter yet, the video to the right is so helpful. I love theseCommon Craft videos, which explain the Web in a simple way.

1. Twitterific

View your tweets, and your friends' tweets, in a small, easy-to-see interface that can be displayed on your desktop and permits you to continue to work on other things. One of the most popular is Twitterific,designed for Macs.You can also install it for use on your iPhone and iPod Touch.

2. Tweetr

Tweetr is a similar tool to Twitterific, and can be installed on both PCs and Macs. You're able to see all the activity on your Twitter account without having to constantly log in to your account or move away from your tasks to check.

3. Twhirl

Twhirl is another desktop tool that allows you to see your Twitter activity in a small window while you work. Twhirl will also let you shorten long URLs, cross-post your updates with social media sites Pownce and Jaiku, and search tweets using Twitter Search and TweetScan.

4. Twitterwhere

If you're looking for Twitter friends based on geography, you can useTwitterWhere, which provides users with geographic maps showing where your friends are from. TwitterWhere also lets you enter a location and a radius, then create feeds of all the tweets within that geographic area.

5. Twubble

Twubble searches through your friends lists, much like Facebook and LinkedIn do, and finds other people you might want to follow. It's your choice whether you want to follow them or not --Twubble just makes the searching and matching easy as pie.

6. Shareaholic

This Firefox browser add-on allows you to share, bookmark and e-mail web pages to Twitter quickly, without having to leave your browser. In addition, Shareaholic can submit any web page you're on to digg, del.icio.us, facebook, friendfeed, google bookmarks, kaboodle, magnolia, mixx, myspace, pownce, reddit, stumbleupon, and tumblr.

7. Phototwitter

Phototwitter is a lot of fun for vanity browsers. You can download Phototwitter, then use it to post a snapshot you've taken with your webcam, along with your accompanying text, on Twitter.

8. Twittersearch

Mine Twitter by using this application to search through the Twitter universe for interesting posts or new friends. Twittersearch also maps posts using Twittermap, so you can see where people are Twittering around the world.

9. Twitterfeed

Twitterfeed is a great add-on for bloggers.Using Twitterfeed, you can create a new user name and password specifically for your blog, then provide the ULR for your blog's RSS feed. Twitterfeed will check your blog's feed regularly and post new entries to Twitter.

10. Tweader

Anyone who uses Twitter a lot knows that it's impossible to follow conversation threads about the same topic. Tweader provides a way to track threaded conversations by permitting users to click on the Date and Time stamp of the tweet they want to follow, which brings them back to the threaded conversation.

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