Are you looking to advertise using Facebook marketing?
According to Facebook, you have access to over 500 million users... and 50% of them log into Facebook every day.
That's awesome, but is Facebook able to payoff?
Most people I know tried Facebook ads and lost a boatload of money doing Facebook marketing. They complain Facebook advertising prices are too expensive, Facebook advertising ad approval is too slow, and Facebook users don't buy stuff.
Is Facebook a bust or can you tap into Facebook advertising to bring in big bucks?
Introducing my 7-day Facebook ads' experiment
I was able to track down a $50.00 FREE Facebook ads coupon to see if I could make it profitable.
Armed with this $50 free Facebook voucher, I tried a 7-day experiment.
My goal was to find new subscribers to my online marketing courses' website for less than $7 each.
Surprise, surprise... these Facebook ads made me a profit!
My Facebook advertising experiment lasted exactly a week. I spent about half of my $50 free Facebook ads' voucher during this time. And the good news is Facebook paid off... attracting me new subscribers for just $1.89 each (far below my goal of $7 per subscriber).
Even better, some of these subscribers purchased my online marketing course in just minutes after subscribing - take a look:
I made a sale just 4 minutes after a Facebook user visited my site!
Let's be honest... Facebook advertising is "interruption advertising." It's REALLY hard to have your ad stand out when Facebook users login. So I was quite surprised how easy it was to make a small profit during my first attempt at Facebook marketing.
The bottom line is every time when I invested just $25 in Facebook advertising, I attracted 13 new subscribers. Even better, I netted a small profit because some of those subscribers bought my stuff. In simple speak, it's like getting Facebook advertising for FREE!
My 5 secrets (revealed) to make Facebook pay off
I took lots of notes when I experimented with my Facebook marketing...
... Here are 5 methods I used to profit with Facebook advertising:
Switch to CPM - Facebook automatically sets your ads to run on a cost-per-click model. And every time a Facebook user sees your ad (and clicks on it), Facebook charges you a set click fee.
This is a good deal for Facebook and a bad deal for you, because cost-per-click pricing is expensive. It's not uncommon to pay more than a dollar per click (some people I know are paying more than $5.00 a click).
But with Facebook's CPM model, your fee is based on how many times your ad is shown, not per click.
Now, if you jump into this without know some secrets, it could cost you a small fortune. But the good news is I've developed a simple way to take advantage of CPM pricing and get clicks for about 5 cents each. That's how I get new subscribers for just $1.89 a piece.
Make images pay off - Facebook gives you 3 ways to attract its users to click on your ad... you're able to submit an image, a title and an ad description.
My testiing shows it's the image that makes a HUGE difference in click thrus.
Be careful though. Facebook is getting tougher on the images you're able to use. For example, just last year It used to allow advertisers to show cleavage (which significantly boosts response). But these days, Facebook disapproves anything considered offensive. I find weird pictures of people and animals works quite well. Black and white illustrations are attracting clicks, too.
Advertise on the best days of the week - I find leaving my ads running for 2 days a week is the most profitable way to advertise on Facebook.
Skipping 5 days at a time helps fight "ad fatigue" (when Facebook users start to grow tired of seeing your ad).
Facebook does all of the hard work for you and tells you the two best days of the week in just 2 clicks of your mouse.
Get your ads approved fast - For most Facebook advertisers, getting their ads approved is most frustrating.
Each ad is reviewed by a team of human reviewers. And this takes time. And Facebook has a strict set of guidelines.
Once thing Facebook reviews decline quickly are scammy looking pages. The prefer landing pages that look like pure content...
... And that's the big secret here. Have your landing page look like a blog post (just like this page). And make sure you're not overtly selling stuff. And finally, remove all "aggressive" scripts to capture optin information (like popups).
Have the last sentence in your "blog post" lead to an action... perhaps a link to subscribe to your mailing list or to an offer to buy your stuff.
Exploit Facebook reports - Facebook actually reveals to you how to slash your costs AND get better quality visitors to your website - all in just 2 mouse clicks...
... Simply scan Facebook's reporting link..., it displays a treasure trove of AMAZING stats about those who click to your site... telling you everything from education level, age, geography, etc.
And when you create new ad campaigns modeled on this information, you're rewarded with super-cheap clicks to your site.
Put an end to your website traffic problems by tonight
I know Facebook advertising is going to pay off for you.
Facebook marketing delivers as many visitors to your website in just a few clicks of your computer mouse. And when you follow my tutorial, I show you how to get super-cheap clicks for around 5 cents each.
You don't have to struggle with figuring all of this Facebook stuff out... I created a step-by-step tutorial to let you peak over my shoulder and redirect precisely-targeted Facebook users to click to your website... click here to get my Facebook Ads' tutorial right now...
A Facebook fan page template is a great way to customize your fan page and set it apart from other pages.