have been hook on “You Tube” for the last 4 or 5 months. I LOVE You
Tube but sometimes they make me SICK. I extreme dislike when I’m looking
for a video/song on You Tube, someone makes their own video that has
nothing to with the video/song I’m looking for and then post it as the
real video/song. I also dislike when you go to a video, instead of
removing the video altogether, they will keep it up with no sound. Come
on now, are you serious? I love to read the comments posted on the
videos. Some people post movies or even their own series just for You
Tube. How cool is that! The best part of You Tube for me is to be able
to see movies, TV shows and cartoons that I haven’t seen in years. You
Tube had my TV favorite show which is a British comedy from the 70’s
called “Are You Being Served?”
For those of you who have never heard of “Are You Being Served?” I feel sorry for you. The show is set in the Ladies and Gentlemen department at a store called Grace Brother’s. The antics of the five main character’s , Mr. Peacock, the floor walker, Mrs. Slocomb, head of the Ladies department, Ms. Brahms, assistant to Mrs. Slocomb, Mr. Granger, head of the Gentlemen’s department, Mr. Humpies, assistant to Mr. Granger and Mr. Lucas, junior assistant is hilarious. There are other characters on the show that add color to the already colorful cast such as Mr. Harman, the maintenance man, who brings display models to the floor that inevitable go wrong. The chemistry between the actors along with the writing is pure MAGIC. I absolutely love AYBS.
I watched that show at least once a week. Sometimes I would watch it everyday. It was so cool reading the comments from the English. I learned so much about the show and English culture from the comments they posted. I got most of the jokes but some I wouldn’t get some jokes because I’m not English There was a common connection between us fans. That connection transcended race, nationality, age and it was our undying love for AYBS.
I knew being able to watch AYBS on You Tube would be short lived by the tone of comments posted. The comments let me know that AYBS had been removed because of copyright once before. Apparently, the creators of the show went after the people who posted the show on You Tube but my You Tube friend, Stainfox, reposted the show again. She had record the show off of UK TV then posted them to You Tube. I thought well maybe AYBS would not be removed because she recorded them off of TV. As of January 2010 AYBS on You Tube is no more. My little heart is broken.
You Tube removed AYBS for copyright reasons, suspended StainFox account, which I thought was overkill. She had more on her channel then just AYBS but what ever dude. I am irritated with the creators of AYBS. I don’t understand why they just don’t created they own channel on You Tube. That’s what many artists and TV shows have done. If Soul Train can have a channel why can’t AYBS? Here it is a fan of your show takes the time to do something your lazy ass didn’t bother to do and you get piss off because they didn’t ask you! If AYBS had never been a hit TV show what would the creators have to protect? Artist/creators can’t get paid without people taking an interested in their work. I understand wanting to be paid for your work but what about the fans? I would have brought the DVDs of AYBS but that cost $300. I can’t afford that in a good economy. It’s not like you can download what you view on You Tube to your computer and have it for free. You have to watch everything from You Tube’s site so what “copyright” was being violated? The fact of the matter is that the fans that upload video or songs to You Tube is the best FREE promotion tool any artist could have. The fans that upload to You Tube are true blue fans. These are not people who are trying to claim the work as their own. They see a need and fulfill that need for the love an artist, TV show, movie that they want to share it with others. My mother, who is a Baby Boomer, goes to You Tube to find songs she has been looking in record stores for but could never find.
I was having insomnia one night so I started flipping around to see what was on “the idiot box,” I found the movie “Selena.” At the end of the movie, they have footage of the real Selena. I remembered how I really hadn’t seen many of her performance since she first die in 95.’ The next day I went on to You Tube to see if there was a Selena Channel. Sure enough there was a channel and some. After sending the day watching La Reina of Tex-Mex do her thing, I went to Wal Mart and brought her last CD “Amor Prohibido.” That’s what You Tube can do for an artist or even a TV show. For example, Solider Boy Tell’em of Atlanta, Ga, who is known as the “King of You Tube,” song “Superman” was a nation wide hit before being played on the radio. This was due to hits the video he made got on You Tube. I have seen the “Superman” dance be done by young, old and the like at weddings, office parties even at ball games.
You Tube also test the use of the 1st amendment with regards to comments. I like that they don’t censor but sometime people go to far. I was watching a video where a man beats up a woman and takes her purse. It just so happen that the man looked like he was African American therefore all the comments were “niggers” this, “coon’s” that, “that’s why we can’t trust them” and “we should have kept them as slaves.” You know all the vulgar things some communities in this country have not stop saying or believing. Never mind the fact that this guy was looking for anybody to robe that morning and it just so happen to be a white woman he robe. He would have done the same thing if the woman was African American.
I notice on You Tube anytime an African American is on a video doing something stupid the comments goes extremely racist. For example, a video was posted of a woman on People’s Court who tried to change a sales receipt with white out. Judge Mallon looked at both sales receipt for about 3 seconds, saw what she had done and rule in the favor of the defendant. I thought the video was so funny that I posted to my Facebook page. After I finish posting the video, I looked down at the comments thinking I would see some funny comments about what she did but instead I found one racist comment after the other. I couldn’t understand why the reaction to her doing something HELLA DUMB had to turn racial. I thought to myself “if that was a white woman doing the same thing would people react the same way” My answer is HELL NO!
I posted a comment telling the bootleg KKK members that they were embarrassing the US. In return I got called a “negro lover” and was told to “shut up.” I wasn’t upset but I was really uncomfortable to see what people will say about African Americans when they are hiding behind a computer. I don’t understand why You Tube allows racist comments but they do. It’s so embarrassing as an American. You Tube is worldwide so it’s not just Americans watching the videos or making comments. I have seen people from other countries comment on some of the comments we make to each other, “you American’s are so racist” or “that’s why I will never live in the US; too much violence.” It’s hard to read how others view us but we are perpetrating these reactions with the mean and surly things we say to each other. The comments get even worst if you say something against a conservative or Fox News that’s whole another Hub.
I have my favorite kinds of videos I like to watch on You Tube. I love the videos people post of they so called boyfriend or girlfriend getting caught cheating OMG it so funny! I use to watch the show “Cheaters” all the time until I saw the homemade “Cheaters” on You Tube. I saw this one video where a Crane Operator took a boat and destroyed this guy’s trailer who was cheating with his wife. It turns out that the trailer didn’t belong to guy but to a police officer he was living with. Another video I love is how to do your makeup like Sailor Moon. That video is so cool. The Japanese makeup artist on the video is so cute. She uses the best makeup too. The music is just spot on and I love PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) message at the end. The makeup artist has several other videos showing how to do your makeup like other well known anime characters but the Sailor Moon is my favorite. It takes me back to my Candy Raver days.
Who can resist a little kid or baby on You Tube? I sure can’t. I love those videos. It is really nice to parents who take the time to teach their kid more then just “geed is good.” My favorite video right now is this 8 year old boy playing “One” by Metallica. The little boy is going to be a great guitar player if he keeps playing. I don’t why I was surprised by a guy who was hating on the little boy. His comments were so mean and angry, I asked him if was he jealous that the little boy’s parent’s had taken time to teach him something positive unlike his own parent’s. His response to that question was a simply “Nope.” Hating on a little 8 year old boy, how low!
I am a huge Joy Division fan. They only have two albums because the lead singer, Ian Curtis, committed suicide in May 1980 the day before they were to go on tour in the US. A little girl read my comment I posted on one of their video. Her mother responded to my comment on her behalf. She sent a video of her daughter reciting a JD song called Isolation at her school’s talent show. Seeing a little girl recite a song as dark as Isolation was the cutest thing I ever saw. She made the song sound happy and joyful. That is the second kid I have seen on You Tube who had an understanding for a song that I thought was very adult in nature. I’m sure I will see more kids because there are parents who still teach they kids and expose them to different kinds of things beside Disney and Nickelodeon.
You Tube is a lot of fun. I’m so glad those guys created the website. Thank you so much. As I wrote this Hub, I listened to three of my playlist I created on You Tube. I don’t know what my Friday’s would be like if wasn’t for You Tube. I love making playlist of my favorite videos that I can watch on my You Tube channel. I have my You Tube friends who send me videos they think I will like and I do the same. I never get bored with You Tube. There so many different kinds of entertainment unlike cable which in the early morning hours have nothing on but paid programs. I don’t understand the copyright thing but I have to live with it. I don’t like the racist comments or people hating on people’s true talent. I do like to see what people really think. That’s why I keep coming back to You Tube. It’s a great avenue for people to showcase their talent, show their love of a musician or just share something that is special to them. You Tube is free right now and hopefully it stays that way You Tube is the bomb but sometimes they make me sick. LOL
For those of you who have never heard of “Are You Being Served?” I feel sorry for you. The show is set in the Ladies and Gentlemen department at a store called Grace Brother’s. The antics of the five main character’s , Mr. Peacock, the floor walker, Mrs. Slocomb, head of the Ladies department, Ms. Brahms, assistant to Mrs. Slocomb, Mr. Granger, head of the Gentlemen’s department, Mr. Humpies, assistant to Mr. Granger and Mr. Lucas, junior assistant is hilarious. There are other characters on the show that add color to the already colorful cast such as Mr. Harman, the maintenance man, who brings display models to the floor that inevitable go wrong. The chemistry between the actors along with the writing is pure MAGIC. I absolutely love AYBS.
I watched that show at least once a week. Sometimes I would watch it everyday. It was so cool reading the comments from the English. I learned so much about the show and English culture from the comments they posted. I got most of the jokes but some I wouldn’t get some jokes because I’m not English There was a common connection between us fans. That connection transcended race, nationality, age and it was our undying love for AYBS.
I knew being able to watch AYBS on You Tube would be short lived by the tone of comments posted. The comments let me know that AYBS had been removed because of copyright once before. Apparently, the creators of the show went after the people who posted the show on You Tube but my You Tube friend, Stainfox, reposted the show again. She had record the show off of UK TV then posted them to You Tube. I thought well maybe AYBS would not be removed because she recorded them off of TV. As of January 2010 AYBS on You Tube is no more. My little heart is broken.
You Tube removed AYBS for copyright reasons, suspended StainFox account, which I thought was overkill. She had more on her channel then just AYBS but what ever dude. I am irritated with the creators of AYBS. I don’t understand why they just don’t created they own channel on You Tube. That’s what many artists and TV shows have done. If Soul Train can have a channel why can’t AYBS? Here it is a fan of your show takes the time to do something your lazy ass didn’t bother to do and you get piss off because they didn’t ask you! If AYBS had never been a hit TV show what would the creators have to protect? Artist/creators can’t get paid without people taking an interested in their work. I understand wanting to be paid for your work but what about the fans? I would have brought the DVDs of AYBS but that cost $300. I can’t afford that in a good economy. It’s not like you can download what you view on You Tube to your computer and have it for free. You have to watch everything from You Tube’s site so what “copyright” was being violated? The fact of the matter is that the fans that upload video or songs to You Tube is the best FREE promotion tool any artist could have. The fans that upload to You Tube are true blue fans. These are not people who are trying to claim the work as their own. They see a need and fulfill that need for the love an artist, TV show, movie that they want to share it with others. My mother, who is a Baby Boomer, goes to You Tube to find songs she has been looking in record stores for but could never find.
I was having insomnia one night so I started flipping around to see what was on “the idiot box,” I found the movie “Selena.” At the end of the movie, they have footage of the real Selena. I remembered how I really hadn’t seen many of her performance since she first die in 95.’ The next day I went on to You Tube to see if there was a Selena Channel. Sure enough there was a channel and some. After sending the day watching La Reina of Tex-Mex do her thing, I went to Wal Mart and brought her last CD “Amor Prohibido.” That’s what You Tube can do for an artist or even a TV show. For example, Solider Boy Tell’em of Atlanta, Ga, who is known as the “King of You Tube,” song “Superman” was a nation wide hit before being played on the radio. This was due to hits the video he made got on You Tube. I have seen the “Superman” dance be done by young, old and the like at weddings, office parties even at ball games.
You Tube also test the use of the 1st amendment with regards to comments. I like that they don’t censor but sometime people go to far. I was watching a video where a man beats up a woman and takes her purse. It just so happen that the man looked like he was African American therefore all the comments were “niggers” this, “coon’s” that, “that’s why we can’t trust them” and “we should have kept them as slaves.” You know all the vulgar things some communities in this country have not stop saying or believing. Never mind the fact that this guy was looking for anybody to robe that morning and it just so happen to be a white woman he robe. He would have done the same thing if the woman was African American.
I notice on You Tube anytime an African American is on a video doing something stupid the comments goes extremely racist. For example, a video was posted of a woman on People’s Court who tried to change a sales receipt with white out. Judge Mallon looked at both sales receipt for about 3 seconds, saw what she had done and rule in the favor of the defendant. I thought the video was so funny that I posted to my Facebook page. After I finish posting the video, I looked down at the comments thinking I would see some funny comments about what she did but instead I found one racist comment after the other. I couldn’t understand why the reaction to her doing something HELLA DUMB had to turn racial. I thought to myself “if that was a white woman doing the same thing would people react the same way” My answer is HELL NO!
I posted a comment telling the bootleg KKK members that they were embarrassing the US. In return I got called a “negro lover” and was told to “shut up.” I wasn’t upset but I was really uncomfortable to see what people will say about African Americans when they are hiding behind a computer. I don’t understand why You Tube allows racist comments but they do. It’s so embarrassing as an American. You Tube is worldwide so it’s not just Americans watching the videos or making comments. I have seen people from other countries comment on some of the comments we make to each other, “you American’s are so racist” or “that’s why I will never live in the US; too much violence.” It’s hard to read how others view us but we are perpetrating these reactions with the mean and surly things we say to each other. The comments get even worst if you say something against a conservative or Fox News that’s whole another Hub.
I have my favorite kinds of videos I like to watch on You Tube. I love the videos people post of they so called boyfriend or girlfriend getting caught cheating OMG it so funny! I use to watch the show “Cheaters” all the time until I saw the homemade “Cheaters” on You Tube. I saw this one video where a Crane Operator took a boat and destroyed this guy’s trailer who was cheating with his wife. It turns out that the trailer didn’t belong to guy but to a police officer he was living with. Another video I love is how to do your makeup like Sailor Moon. That video is so cool. The Japanese makeup artist on the video is so cute. She uses the best makeup too. The music is just spot on and I love PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) message at the end. The makeup artist has several other videos showing how to do your makeup like other well known anime characters but the Sailor Moon is my favorite. It takes me back to my Candy Raver days.
Who can resist a little kid or baby on You Tube? I sure can’t. I love those videos. It is really nice to parents who take the time to teach their kid more then just “geed is good.” My favorite video right now is this 8 year old boy playing “One” by Metallica. The little boy is going to be a great guitar player if he keeps playing. I don’t why I was surprised by a guy who was hating on the little boy. His comments were so mean and angry, I asked him if was he jealous that the little boy’s parent’s had taken time to teach him something positive unlike his own parent’s. His response to that question was a simply “Nope.” Hating on a little 8 year old boy, how low!
I am a huge Joy Division fan. They only have two albums because the lead singer, Ian Curtis, committed suicide in May 1980 the day before they were to go on tour in the US. A little girl read my comment I posted on one of their video. Her mother responded to my comment on her behalf. She sent a video of her daughter reciting a JD song called Isolation at her school’s talent show. Seeing a little girl recite a song as dark as Isolation was the cutest thing I ever saw. She made the song sound happy and joyful. That is the second kid I have seen on You Tube who had an understanding for a song that I thought was very adult in nature. I’m sure I will see more kids because there are parents who still teach they kids and expose them to different kinds of things beside Disney and Nickelodeon.
You Tube is a lot of fun. I’m so glad those guys created the website. Thank you so much. As I wrote this Hub, I listened to three of my playlist I created on You Tube. I don’t know what my Friday’s would be like if wasn’t for You Tube. I love making playlist of my favorite videos that I can watch on my You Tube channel. I have my You Tube friends who send me videos they think I will like and I do the same. I never get bored with You Tube. There so many different kinds of entertainment unlike cable which in the early morning hours have nothing on but paid programs. I don’t understand the copyright thing but I have to live with it. I don’t like the racist comments or people hating on people’s true talent. I do like to see what people really think. That’s why I keep coming back to You Tube. It’s a great avenue for people to showcase their talent, show their love of a musician or just share something that is special to them. You Tube is free right now and hopefully it stays that way You Tube is the bomb but sometimes they make me sick. LOL
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