Just the Beginning
So, I am beginning this blog, or HUB, mainly to share recipes as they have been, and are continually requested of me. Family and friends, and even strangers at parties I have catered, will come up and ask for help in the kitchen. After 20 years of being a mom, I guess I am extremely proud to say I feel pretty confident there, and ready to share. In the kitchen, that is,PLUS I have a huge collection of...well Food Stuff in my head. What IS this FOOD STUFF you ask and why do I care? Well, that subject is for a whole chapter of it's own. (try to read that last sentence with a Latin accent, it adds to the drama.)
So, RECIPES (ie...as in...see note.....ref.) Old ones, new ones, strange ones...I'll post a plethora to be sure. I get asked for help in many different areas, from explaining food prep, ingredients, to even menu planning, I hope to cover it all.
Often, the subject will involve feeding Kids, or Big Families...'cause that's what I got, and it's what I know...and when we're lucky, we'll take care of The Spouses.....
(ie...as in...see note.....ref.) Lovers, Kitten, Big Kahunas, Babycakes, and Hearts (insert any ol' personal term of endearment here.)
And, eating on the cheap will be prevalent for sure.
As I have said, many times before, we may be poor,
but we eat well, and we ARE well fed!!
And though, I will always assure you, oh dearest enquirer, we are very well off indeed, and we live the lives of millionaires. The truth is, like most these days, we are FLAT BROKE!!
So, does that mean we need to starve?? NO, I say!!!
My husband is forever amazed at my ability to pull off some pretty tasty meals, when he has JUST looked in the fridge and surmised there was nothing to make dinner with.
I will always contend, all is never lost as #1, children love simple foods, so getting all gourmet on THEM is pretty much a waste of time....give a kid a bowl of fresh carrots and ranch, a plate of noodles and parm, and a glass of milk and they are stoked!! (just cover the basics, if that's all you can do....and of course, make sure you are THANKFUL for what ever it is that IS offered!)
None of this is to say, don't try to force feed the good stuff to the twerps...ya gotta always try to expand their horizons...and cultivate a good palate, fa sho! get crazy, even offer a lil escargot!)
(So many courses, so little time!)
And #2, being creative in the kitchen is 98% part of the fun. Make something tasty with five ingredients or less....see how amazing you feel after THAT, (it's pretty cool).
I make three or four main staples at every dinner, easy stuff, and fresh when I can....and then one main (or kind of) complicated dish; hopefully a new one, although, on a tight budget it's often the tried-and-true that usually take precedence. Every once in a while, especially when there is a good sale going on, I can pull something out spectacular....and BAMM!! I'm a super star with a spoon!
One of my favorite culinary experiences was introducing ARTICHOKES, a very alien vegetable, to my very young step daughters (3 and 4 at the time). At first they balked and screamed, but then indulged with delight,and have been hooked ever since. I'm in trouble if I don't serve them at least twice a month around here.
My now eight year old used to HATE anything with onions or garlic but now requests them often. This took persistence, but I believe that's how it's done.
I can at least say I keep it lively, and full of color, and as much variety as I can, And I can prove that it doesn't take much money to do so.
If ya got it flaunt it!!
Don't let this hub be all about me and what I know about food....I know there is a vast array of other even better ideas out there.
Foodies unite...and Future Foodies get ready....ASK away....and SHARE away..... come what come may......let's EAT....
......and let the recipes begin!!!
Foodie Julie
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